What Jane has to say ..

What Jane has to say ..

Jane is the person recovering from leg and ankle injury not once but twice. While most of us would have given up and sat in front of the TV with a family size Ben and Jerry's to commiserate she got up and got moving, getting back to exercise as soon as she could!

When her ankles scream, she takes a break and tries again .. every time Jane gets to the gym, she proves how resilient she is. Just amazing to see!

This is her story :

Before training with Colette I was quite despondent with my exercise and finding it difficult to find motivation. I had been passed from one personal trainer to the next and felt like I was going to make no progress.

I was however impressed by Colette's contagious positivity and decided to give it a go. Colette has been very patient and provided constant motivation when mine was low. I enjoy our sessions and always leave feeling positive. I have also seen increased muscle mass and a decrease in body fat.

The thing I will take forward is the belief that I can create change in my life and health, it is never too late.

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