Read what Pieranna has to say …
Before working with Colette I was struggling to motivate myself after a recent accident and I needed that extra push to get moving again
My main concern was that not being used to being injured I would not have the mindset to continue the course and would not commit 100%.
I knew working with Colette would be inspiring, motivating and challenging with a heavy dose of encouragement thrown in. Yes I have wanted to give up and yes Colette has inspired me to keep going all be it we have changed from the original plan. Colette also offers great advice on many subjects and always gives it in a friendly sunny way.
The best result I have so far is the feeling that the extra work I am doing with Colette is making that difference to my recovery despite the setback. I know that when I am feeling down about being at square one again, Colette will make sure I am aware of the benefits of keeping on going and will give me a motivational chat that picks me up and gets me going again.