Easy Protein Pancakes

Easy Protein Pancakes

This is such an easy breakfast idea, served with a dollop of natural yogurt and a few berries is delicious, I like them plain just as much, so very versatile.

Eat them there and then or pop them into a container to take to work with you so you have a delicious snack for the day.

You will need:

40g rolled oats

1 medium banana

2 eggs (I use one whole & 1 egg white)

25g protein powder

Mix ingredients together, heat 1tsp coconut oil in a large frying pan and tip in 3 lots of batter.

The batter is stiff so you will need to shape the Pancakes if you want them round.

They take about a minute on each side, repeat until you are through the batter. I like them thick so I get 3 Pancakes per mix.

Add a dollop of natural yoghurt and a few berries to serve.

Yumo !!

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