Perfect Porridge

Perfect Porridge

This is Mel’s perfect porridge

3/4 cup of oats

1 & 1/2 cups of water

A handful of fresh or frozen berries

A small handful of almonds & hazelnuts

1 tbsp of date syrup

2 x Acai Berry Plus Supplements

Bring the oats & water to a gentle boil on low heat (trust me on this, burnt porridge smells BAD!) and then simmer for about 5 minutes till your preferred consistency. Pour into a bowl along with the berries. Dry fry the nuts in a small pan till golden brown and sprinkle these on the porridge with date syrup to taste. Open up 2 of Acai Berry Plus supplements and sprinkle over the lot. Forget shreddies, this breakfast will keep the hunger locked up till waaaaay past lunch 😀

*This breakfast is for your work out days or cycling the diet days but you could easily use apple or pear for your ‘kick-start’ week.

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