Pizza in a Pan – Gluten Free!

Pizza in a Pan – Gluten Free!


This is the most delicious pizza!

For the base:

1 cup Kamut or Spelt flour
2 tbsp Olive oil
1 tsp Baking powder
Pinch of Himalayan salt
1/2 cup filtered Water

Mix ingredients together until they form a soft dough. Roll out on a floured surface in pizza shape. Dust with flour & fold.

Pop frying pan on stove, brush with olive or coconut oil, heat pan. Place dough into pan & open up, press down gently.

Once base has cooked, turn heat off & grill on.

Brush surface of pizza with tomato sauce, pref home-made, add mixed herbs, chopped up chilli, fresh tomatoes, olives, feta or goats cheese, plus any other veggie or protein you want on top, pop under the grill for 4 mins.

Take it out, pop onto board, slice & serve with fresh basil leaves or rocket on top.

Plus salad on side & large glass of sparkling water! Delish 🙂

Ps: the kamut flour does contain gluten so if you on the kick-start week use spelt flour & green veg with feta/goats cheese, maybe pesto for base, if you are cycling it’s all good!

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