Personal Training Clients ROCK!

Personal Training Clients ROCK!

Read what Jodi has to say …

1) What was your situation like before we started to work together?

My situation before I started work with Colette was one of slight desperation to get back in shape, and pure intrigue in the food and recipes that I saw she was generating – they looked delicious and healthy! I wanted to work with Colette purely based on the food I knew she could advise me on how to cook, and how best to make life-long changes to my diet to help keep me feeling fit and healthy.

2) What reservations (if any) did you have about working with me before?

I didn’t have any reservations on working with Colette. I know someone that Colette has worked with, whose life has been transformed from working with her – I didn’t need convincing or persuading.

3) What has the process of working with me been like?

The whole process from my initial inquiry to the final weigh and measure was personal, transparently clear, supportive and informative. Colette was always on-hand for any advice or help.

4) What is the one best result you have got from working with me?

The one best result I got from working with Colette is “knowledge”. I know more about my body and how best to nourish it than ever before.

Read what Maureen has to say …

Before we worked together I was exercising about 3 times a week but doing the same pattern of classes or routine at the gym every week. I felt like I needed some motivation to change my pattern and kick start a different exercise regime. I also wanted to try and shed a few pounds in weight!

I didn’t have any particular reservations about working with you before we started regarding exercise, apart from overcoming my own resistance to doing some new exercises that were going to make me ache initially – no hiding at the back when it’s 1:1 training!! I was also a bit resistant to doing a detox which I understand from you would have been beneficial in combo with the exercise pattern particularly for weight loss.

I really enjoyed working with you – I felt incredibly supported and motivated by you in my sessions. I felt inspired by my intro session in that you took time to discuss the fitness questionnaire that I completed with you and that you considered ‘the whole person’ rather than in isolation to diet and exercise. I learned about the ability to push myself that bit further if I want to increase my fitness and stamina. I have also benefited from new exercises regarding core balance. It was useful to get feedback re your observation of my exercising ie that one side of my body seems to be weaker than the other and how to compensate for this when I start to tire. I also benefited from advice about a pattern of exercise I should undertake on a weekly basis ie. the balance of types of classes combined with other gym work which has encouraged me to do spinning classes – even though I haven’t yet fallen in love with them!!!

The one best result I got from you is that’ I can do it’! – I felt very motivated by the 3 sessions and have been inspired by you to push myself – doing spinning classes and trying to lift more weight in pump classes!! I would love to do some more PT work with you in the future either 1:1 or small group.

Thank you for being so inspirational!!

Read what Sheila has to say …

If you want or need to make changes to your life – perhaps to lose weight, improve fitness and/or eat better but you’re stuck in a rut or lack confidence to take the plunge then Colette Pienaar is exactly who you need.

All of the above applied to me – I was overweight, lacked energy and was generally unfit. The journey to take me to where I wanted to be seemed too difficult and my self-confidence was at an all-time low. Shopping for clothes was just depressing and I’d become used to wearing outfits to hide my figure rather than show it off. I didn’t own a full-length mirror.

After watching Colette’s video clip and talking to her I really liked the idea of working with her – her positive, buoyant and assured approach began to hook me in and I started to think… what if I really could do it?!.

The financial commitment was a big consideration for me but in a way this made me even more determined to give it a go – I was investing in myself for the first time in a very long time and that in itself made it feel more worthwhile. Everyone who works with Colette initially completes a searching questionnaire which again allows you the time to really reflect about why you want to make the improvements in your life and what your short and longer term goals are.

The process of working with Colette has been very hard work but more importantly, so positive. She’s believed in me and encouraged me to believe in myself. She’s worked me harder than I ever thought I could but it has just worked! I’m astounded at what I’ve achieved – my 6-month targets were achieved within 2 months – it’s amazing!

I’ve achieved so much during my time with Colette and learned so much about me – I’ve lost weight, got fit, changed my eating habits, love shopping for fitted clothes and bought a full length mirror! The best thing is that I feel confident, happy and fulfilled and now know that I really can achieve anything I want to.

Read what Bev has to say …

What was your situation like before we started to work together?

I was very unfit, putting on weight (which was a constant worry) and changing shape, and never did any exercise, had no desire to join a gym, and was too tired at the end of the day to attend any classes.

What reservations (if any) did you have about working with me before?

No reservations about you, as I didn’t know you, however, had reservations about working out with fit people. When Toni told me about Boot camp in Surbiton at that time, and encouraged me to join, I was very nervous. There was no need to be, every one was at different levels of fitness and you were very encouraging and as the weeks passed, I found I enjoyed it and haven’t looked back ever since!!!

What has the process of working with me been like?

Excellent, never boring as you change the exercises constantly. It is also fun, and we have a laugh – mainly at my expense! You are also very motivating.

What is the one best result you have got from working with me?

Exercising on a weekly basis, and keeping it up!! It’s also good that you know what I have achieved, so many exercises I was unable to do i.e. The Plank and so many more. Plus gaining a lovely friend.

Read what Vikki has to say …

What was your situation like before we started to work together?

Before I started working with Colette I was doing myself more damage than good. I was trying to loose weight through intensive exercise that was damaging my bad knees more than helping, not loosing any weight and fed up with what seemed like a lot of effort for no results.

What reservations (if any) did you have about working with me before?

I was worried about the time I would need to make to see Colette on a regular basis, however she was very flexible and I often worked out before going to work in the mornings. I was also worried about my knees and if I could do exercise to help them. I needn’t have worried the one thing Colette does more than anyone else I have ever worked out with is understand my issues, work with them and help!

What has the process of working with me been like?

Summed up in 3 words, fun, enjoyable and educational!

What is the one best result you have got from working with me?

Knowing how if I put my mind to it supplements and changes in my diet can affect my moods, waistline, energy levels and weight.

Read what Nancy has to say …

What was your situation like before we started to work together?

I’d already begun my journey to fitness, down the usual route of trying to cut calories and attending classes at the gym. I’d managed to lose quite a large amount of weight but was starting to plateau and old habits were creeping back in. I had the willpower, enthusiasm and motivation but didn’t really know how to direct it effectively.

What reservations (if any) did you have about working with me before?

None – after meeting Colette (in a group exercise setting) her passion, enthusiasm and knowledge shone through.

What has the process of working with me been like?

Fantastic. From the outset Colette went out of her way to offer advice and help, from helping me with a training program to use whilst I was working abroad in a remote location with no gym access, through to expert advice about dietary supplements. I have completed many of her progammes and every time I’ve had fantastic results. What stands out every single time is the level of support, advice and help offered. The programmes themselves are well thought out, based on current research and effective and most importantly sustainable over the long term. I have totally changed the way I eat, for the better. I rely on her Vanilla protein shake, L-glutamine and Recovery Plus products to support my workouts and I wouldn’t be without them. Following Colette’s advice I have also incoporporated a range of her dietary supplements in to my life and they’ve made such a difference to my health and well being. During times of ill health Colette has gone out of her way to research and seek out specific supplements that will support my system. Personal training sessions with my fiance have been brilliant. The exercises are challenging, varied and tailored to us. The sessions are fun and being able to work out together has been a fantastic way to spend time together. Seeing the improvements in both our fitness has been immensely satisfying. We really look forward to embuffment 🙂

What is the one best result you have got from working with me?

Gosh, where do I start! A total lifestyle change – from diet, through to exercise. I’ve been inspired on SO many levels.

Read what Carol has to say …

This last 12 months have been difficult and it was becoming increasingly easy to find a reason not to go to the Gym. I had in essence lost my mojo and with my son getting married in 9 months I needed to do something, sooner rather than later.

I needed to get back on track and was struggling to do it on my own. The easy option would have been to get a personal trainer at the Gym but I wanted something more than that, something more holistic, something more motivational. Colette has always managed to motivate me in the classes I attend.

She is always the consummate professional when taking classes at the gym and this professionalism is carried through with PT, starting with her initial health screening. Each session we do is different and challenging and nothing like the boring sessions I used do in the gym.

I had been discussing with friends the 5:2 diet but again couldn’t bring my self to get started. I discussed this with Colette and she supported me with food ideas and advice after approx. 8 weeks I have lost 12 lbs.’, my shape is changing and I feeling more positive and look forward to my classes again and dare I say it, a landmark birthday next year as I now feel I am doing something positive in determining how I will look and feel in the future.

Read what Joanne has to say …

What was your situation like before we started to work together?We were looking to re-engage with our fitness, we were tired of just going to the gym, work life balance was all work so we needed something that fitted with our lifestyle.

What reservations (if any) did you have about working with me before?

None really, you got me fit enough to complete my six days Arctic challenge the year before, so we knew you could help us.

What has the process of working with me been like?

Fun, challenging, every week was a different workout, educational, goal driven but personal to us and your enthusiasm each week kept us coming back for more!

What is the one best result you have got from working with me?

A fitness and life regime that is bespoke to our life, our balance and our needs.

Read what Mel has to say ...

It has been amazing – you changed my way of working out – your classes are always such fun. In the last 2 years I have learnt so much. You helped me with working out, eating and of course your protein powder and acai which I’m addicted to!! I am 9kg lighter and fitter than I’ve ever been. I always say I couldn’t have done it without you – you started me on an amazing path and I’ll always be grateful. The best thing I got from working with you was a friend! And twin!!! Ha! But working out wise, you are so encouraging and make it fun, have taught me how important rests are and setting goals and challenges to keep everything fresh.

Read what Angie has to say ...

I met Colette through taking classes at my local gym. Colette always makes them fun and full of energy which is very motivating. So from doing the odd class I have a more structured work out programme. I especially like the little bits of info about exercise or being healthy. This led to me trying one of Colette’s programmes which has led to a new way of eating healthy meaning I have changed my diet rather than dieting. A lifestyle choice I can follow. Colette provides great support and advice through the programme and beyond.

Read what Katy has to say ...

I went to Colette as she seemed very down to earth and realistic about the realities of life when trying to exercise and eat healthily, which I wanted from a personal trainer. During the 3 1/2 years I trained with her, no two sessions were ever the same. She was flexible enough to push me hard when I had time and a goal to meet, and to keep it relaxed when I had injuries or was tired. I looked forward to and enjoyed every session I had with Colette.
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Yes I have even trained the guys ...

Read what Ben has to say ...

“Working with you has been fantastic. I like that the exercises are varied and different each week to keep it interesting and there is a clear sense of progression through the program so improvement is really noticeable. The sessions are great fun and its good to have a laugh as well as working hard. Colette is great at encouraging and motivating you throughout the sessions and tailoring the exercises to get a full all-round workout. I feel a lot more motivated to take exercise forward because I have seen what can be achieved through hard work and the right encouragement.”

Read what Neil has to say ...

“Before I met Colette, I thought I was reasonably active but sadly not in as good a shape as I could have been, so since then with a combination of sorting out my diet and changing the way I exercise I feel an awful lot better, I am much more energetic, I also feel a lot better about myself and will continue going forward.”
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